News Update :

Danfoss Job Recruitment

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Danfoss is a global company, present in a large number of countries with many different cultures. Because of this, it is vital that we deal actively with the challenges facing us where we operate.

Danfoss wishes to play an active role in a sustainable global development where social responsibility and environmental and climate considerations go hand-in-hand with sound business development.
We make it a priority that we not only respond to the circumstances which have an immediate effect on the company, but also consider the trends that outlines the challenges of the future.

It is Danfoss’ overall target that the company is regarded in all matters as a responsible company that keeps its own house in good order.

Danfoss joined the UN Global Compact in 2002. The Global Compact consists of ten principles within human rights, labor rights, environment and anti-corruption.

Thereby Danfoss has made a commitment to report annually on the company's progress and activities related to these principles. This report, Danfoss Communication on Progress 2010, mirrors our attitude to social and environmental responsibility issues and the impact of our activities on the surrounding communities.

Danfoss Career

Good corporate citizenship requires that efforts are made in a wide range of areas. At Danfoss, the work is divided into seven areas, which are dealt with in detail under separate sections: Danfoss’ overriding goal within Corporate Citizenship is to "keep our own house in order".
  • Labour Rights, which deals with the conditions of Danfoss’ employees and a decent work environment
  • Society Relations, which deals with the close link to the local communities where Danfoss operates
  • Supplier Relations, which deals with the way Danfoss handle responsible procurement
  • Human Rights, which represents a wide spectrum of initiatives to ensure a healthy and good environment for all human beings
  • Anti-corruption, which means that Danfoss does not tolerate or support any forms of corruption and bribery
  • Environment, which means that Danfoss focuses on the production having the least possible impact on the environment
  • Climate, in which Danfoss, via the development of environmentally friendly technologies, supports the work to improve the global climate.
Danfoss’ overall goal within Corporate Citizenship is "keeping our own house in order". This applies to employees, so that they have an attractive workplace and a healthy working environment. It applies to the environment, where Danfoss products contribute to energy savings, and where the environmental impact of their production is constantly being reduced. And it applies, in a broad sense, to social and ethical responsibility.

Efforts are continually being intensified, because when employee satisfaction is high, consumption of resources is as low as possible, and the company’s ethics and reputation are good, the result is a positive effect on the accounting bottom line.

Jobs Available

Jobs Region China

Jobs Region Mexico

Jobs Region India

Jobs Region France

Jobs Region Brazil

Jobs Region Denmark

Jobs Region North America

Submit Applications & Details Info
If you want to get complete information and registration procedures for Danfoss, please see the link provided below: Apply Danfoss Career

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