News Update :

Career Program 2013 Wika Persero Fresh Graduate

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wijaya Karya Persero is a stated owned enterprises engaged in construction and becomes a leading integrated EPC company in Indonesia. Wika was established 42 years ago, ecxactly in March 2, 1960 with the name of Perusahaan Negara Bangunan Widjaja Karja.

Career Program 2013 Wika Persero Fresh Graduate
Wika Persero currently managed by Dr. Ir. M. Basuki Hadimuljono, M.Sc as President Commisioner and Bintang Perbowo, SE, MM as President Director. WIKA success in improving business performance. In 2011, revenues WIKA IDR7, 74 trillion (excluding Jo), an increase of 28.57% compared with the previous year IDR 6, 02 trillion, or 104.03% compared with a target of company work and budget plan (RKAP) IDR 7, 44 trillion.

Forbes Indonesia awarding ceremony to the 50 best companies in Indonesia that made it into the list of “Best of the Best” in 2012. One of them is PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA), WIKA is the only State Owned Enterprise in the list of 50 best companies by Forbes magazine.

Wijaya Karya believes that human resources is an important part in expanding their business. Currently the company is inviting qualified Indonesian candidate to join at:

Career Program 2013 Fresh Graduate Wika Persero

General Requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) or equivalent from following majors
  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Accounting
  4. Health and Safety (K3)
  • Fresh Graduate with minimum GPA of 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS)
  • Preferably Male
  • Maximum age 28 years old
  • Not Color Blind (Partial or Total)
  • Able to speak English both oral and written (Equivalent with TOEFEL Score min. 500)
  • Mastering in related computer software applications
  • Having a high motivation, energetic, adaptable and able to work
Apply Jobs>>>

Interested applicants may register online via application form above. This application will be closed at February 2013.

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