Then in 1996 the Bank Harda Griya renamed Bank Harda International. After experiencing a crisis in 1998, the Bank Harda consolidate, and with emphasis on the precautionary principle, since 2000, the Bank focused in developing SME financing.
To better reach and consistent with the bank's SME sector tersebutlah then widening the area of operations in Jakarta and surrounding areas, since 2002 the Bank Harda opening branches outside Jakarta began to Surabaya, Bandung, Solo, and Pontianak.
In 2005 the Bank Harda changed its logo in blue and red, and to simplify the name was changed to Bank Harda International Bank BHI. BHI Bank branches and capem also add it to Bekasi, Tangerang, Surabaya Rajawali, and a New Week, commencing from the date December 10, 2007, Bank Headquarters moved to the Asean Tower Floor 1 and 3 in Jl KH No. Samanhudi Kingdom. 10, Jakarta Pusat 10710, and has been approved by Bank Indonesia as at 21 November 2007.
- Being a local bank that excels in service, products and technology, uphold high moral and prosperous nation participated practice
- Build professional commitment and integrity, supported by a powerful force.
- Being the best through quality, service and innovation in the world of banking.
- Safeguarding and promoting the best standards in all aspects of banking operations, technology development and improving the quality of human resources.
Internal Control
- Male / Female
- Education min. D3 majoring in Financial Management / Banking / Accounting.
- Having experience min banking. 3 years, preferably in the field of AUDIT.
- Critical, analytical and sensitive to deviations.
- Placement for branch Bandung, Solo and Pontianak