Even today, more and more demanding business world. They require workers to be able to master both these skills. Less likely for someone to get a job when he was unable to speak English and do not know to use a computer and its applications as well. Coupled with the advent of globalization, where the more rapid flow of information from the outside and the increasing number of foreign investors came to open stores, factories or for other business transactions, need to be able to master both skills that can not be negotiable.
English Course is LPIA education program first launched. Teaching methods are applied is the method FAIES which focuses on the ability of skilled participants to communicate in English.
Computer courses are LPIA program that can not be separated with English. By following this program is expected that participants will be able to master information technology in accordance with the interests of each participant.
Tutoring GAMA UI is one of the educational unit in Indonesia Educational Foundation of America (LPIA) established since 1990.
Tutoring GAMA Bimbel UI is a pioneer in Indonesia who apply the concept of learning with information technology and multimedia. (Articles Source: LPIA)
Indonesia United Education Institute, currently open vacancies to be placed as:
Tutoring Academic Staff (AKA)
Academic Staff Computer (AKK)
Staff Academic English (IMR)
Staff Education Marketing (MKT)
Customer Service (CS)
Teachers Tutoring Staff
English Instructor
Computer instructor
How to Apply
Send a complete resume + Pas latest photos to:
HRD LPIA Sentra Cikarang
Commercial Center Block A No. Cikarang. 2 BekasiTel. (021) 89117688, Fax (021) 89117689
Or Via Email To: dwinovantokurniawan@gmail.com