Main Tasks and Functions
Currently LKPP function is:
- Formulate policies, regulations, norms, standards, procedures, manuals in the field of procurement of goods / services, including government procurement entities within the framework of government cooperation with business entities.
- Formulate strategies, policies, plans, human resource development programs as well as system testing professional competence in the field of procurement of goods / services of the government.
- Provide technical guidance, advocacy, opinions, recommendations and corrective actions, assistance, advice, legal opinion and expert testimony relating to the procurement of goods / services of the government.
- Develop policies and systems monitoring, assessment and evaluation of the implementation process of procurement of goods / services of government, coordination, guidance, supervision and development of electronic procurement systems.
- Carry out the coordination, development and control of programs, activities, administration and resources in the environment LKPP.
- Carry out the formulation and implementation of strategy and policy development of the procurement of goods / services, including government procurement entities within the framework of government cooperation with business entities.
- Carry out the monitoring, assessment, evaluation and provide input on implementation of the procurement of government goods / services the previous year to be a material planning and preparation process angggaran as well as coaching and development of information systems procurement / government services electronically (electronic procurement).
- Has the task of carrying out the formulation and implementation of strategy and human resource development policy in the field of procurement of goods / services of the government.
- Provide advice, opinions, recommendations in the resolution of objections and other legal issues in procurement of goods / services of the government.
- Reliably in realizing a credible procurement system.
- Achieve a clear procurement rules, monitoring and evaluation systems are reliable, professional human resources, procurement and law enforcement / government services.
Currently we still need employees to fill several positions as below:
Non Permanent Staff / Pegawai Kontrak
Qualifications Bachelor of Education (S1/D4)
- administration
- economy
- International Relations
- law
- computer
- communication
- Education Management
- psychology
- statistical
- Information Engineering
- engineering
- administration
- economy
- Informatics
- Filing
- secretarial
- computer
- The selection process consists of stages: the selection and administration, competency assessment, interview users;
- Selection is free of charge;
- Employment status is not automatic and Contract Employees / Candidates had the privilege of Civil Servants;
- Quota assessments and over 120 participants who are determined based on the ranking / ranking highest.
- Aged 18-30 years as of January 1, 2012;
- Choose a minimum score 525 for S1/D4 landfill and a minimum of 500 to D3 with organizers UPPTPA Bappenas in 2 (two) years;
- Have a minimum TOEFL Score 450 in 2 (two) years;
- Graduate of State University, College of Foreign Affairs or the Private Higher Education accredited program of study of at least 'B' by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education;
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- integrity;
- Ability to work together in teams.
- Fill out application form through the website LKPP :;
- Application forms that are filled with a diploma, transcript of grades, proof of TPA and TOEFL sent to the email address:
with the subject example: Budi_Administrasi;download announcement
download application form
Delivery of applications began on 12 and 27 November 2011.